Classification: U
Genre: Action/Science/Fiction 动作/科幻(Sci-Fi)
General Release: 30 April 2008
Running Time: 2 Hours 8 Minutes
Distributed by: United International Pictures
Starring: Robert Downey Jr, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges, Terrance Howard
Director: Jon Favreau
Synopsis: Billionaire industrialist Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) makes weapons for the U.S. government. While testing of one of his inventions, he is wounded, captured and forced to make weapons for the enemy. Instead, he fashions himself a crude power armour to save his life and facilitate his escape. When he returns home, he revises his armour and finds purpose as the Armoured Avenger, Iron Man!
好莱坞记者报消息,惊奇漫画制片部(Marvel Studios)将邀请乔恩·法夫罗(Jon Favreau)负责执导经典漫画《铁人》(Iron Man)的电影版本。
《铁人》也有翻译成“钢人”、“铁甲人”、“钢铁超人”的,是Marvel在上世纪60年代推出的一个漫画系列。故事主角托尼·斯塔克(Tony Stark)和“蝙蝠侠”一样是一个风度翩翩的百万富翁,为了保护受伤的心脏,他发明了一套铁制的盔甲护胸,而这付神奇的盔甲还能赋予托尼许多神奇的功能,于是他就化身为“铁人”惩罚那些坏人和罪犯。
该片原先是由新线公司拍摄,导演是尼克·卡萨维茨(Nick Cassavetes)。不过现在影片已经到派拉蒙手中了,而且从导演到编剧全部换了。
乔恩·法夫罗既是导演也是演员和编剧,他的上部作品是《勇敢者游戏2》(Zathura),他最近还为派拉蒙导演了科幻片《火星上的约翰·卡特》(John Carter of Mars),不过他想导演第十一部《星际旅行》的想法近日落空。